Madhav Erraguntla
Associate Professor of Practice, Industrial and Systems Engineering – Texas A&M University

Research Interests
Madhav Erraguntla is professor of practice in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University. He also is senior research scientist at Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. His areas of expertise include data mining, health care analytics, lean health care, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine and systems analysis. He was the principal investigator for Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, NASA, Department of Transportation, and Defense Health Program funded projects on epidemiology, health care analytics, donor hemovigilance, crowd-sourced data collection, and health care supply chain optimization. Erraguntla has coauthored more than 30 publications in journals and conferences and has contributed to book chapters. He is developing technology based on social media mining, smartphone-based surveillance data collection, natural language processing, zoonotic surveillance, and data fusion for epidemiologic disease prediction. Erraguntla is hosting national-level Donor Hemovigilance system for American Association of Blood Banks, and the standards developed in this project were adopted by International Society for Blood Transfusion.
- Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University
- M.Tech., Industrial Engineering, NITIE, Bombay, India
- B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, S.V. University, India